Plus Systems Logo Newsletter 2001-08       Go Back
December 18, 2001



Since January is the most popular time for vendor cost changes, we thought it would be a good time to come up with a general purpose program for updating special costs from vendor provided files. In the past, we've done some custom programs to match specific formats. Other users have done the same on their own. In still other cases, vendors have tried to duplicate the Trade Service PFMS format. All of these approaches have been time consuming.

The new program we've developed, FM/421, addresses this by looking for a very simple format that consists of: an item number, your cost, and an optional unit of measure. With this approach, most users should be able to relatively easily bring in an Excel file, manipulate it to have just these 2 or 3 columns and save it as a CSV file. Because it's a comma delimited file, you don't have to worry about the item number or cost being fixed length fields.

One of the keys to the program is the flexibility of matching up on item numbers. There are four options:
  • DCI (UPC) number (your best option for matching)
  • Item Number (includes vendor abbreviation in front)
  • Catalog Number (without the vendor abbreviation)
  • Vendor Part Number Cross Reference (built with FM51 screen)

Another option built in to allow for flexibility is the choice of whether the vendor provided cost should go into replacement cost, vendor quote or both. If both is selected, you declare a multiplier that will calculate the replacement cost from the vendor quote or vice versa.

Lastly, the program gives you a report showing the before and after values of the cost(s). You also have the option to run it for report-only, in case you just want to see what the changes would be.

If you have vendors wanting to send you such files and would like to use this program, please let us know and we'll get it to you via e-mail, tape or file transfer as soon as possible.

A copy of the WFL is attached.

If December 31 is your end of year:

  • Remember not to assign a posting date of 12/31/01 to Accounts Payable batches. Use 12/30 instead. Also, don't use a G/L posting date of 12/31 in your A/P or A/R WFL's.
  • Remember to set the end of year options in the SA, AR and IN/PERIODEND wfl's.
  • Remember to undo these options after you run the period-end.

We will be closed December 24-25th for Christmas. Monday, December 31st will be a half-day, so get your calls in early.