Newsletter 2002-04
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May 23, 2002
Expert Systems has developed a signature capture system which runs off of Pocket PCs and/or signature blocks. The Pocket PCs are typically used by the drivers, while the signature blocks may be better at the counter. The order data is sent to the server running the signature capture system, which in turn does wireless communications with the Pocket PCs. This signature capture system is very low priced compared to the major shipping and logistics software companies. The other module developed by Expert is the showroom manager. Again, this runs on either a pocket PC or a tablet style PC. A showroom sales rep can walk around with the customer building the list of item either in "free form" or by room. They can either type the first few letters of the item number and scroll through to select the item, or if you have bar-coded labels, the item number can be scanned in. Standard pricing and availability can be checked, and the sales rep can override the price up or down if necessary. When the list of materials is completed, it can then be optionally uploaded to your Power Plus system to create either a quote or an order. The other module we're co-marketing is Sales Management Plus by Taylor Marketing. This is software that would be loaded on your outside sales reps laptops and integrates contact management software features along with sales analysis based upon data imported from your Power Plus database. This is a very fully featured package that was originally developed for some big Allen-Bradley distributors, but is flexible enough to handle all hard goods. Please call if you'd like a demonstration of any of these products.
New Enhancements recently completed:
The answer is to use the OI45 inquiry. This was one of the specific intents of this screen. When inquiring by po number, you must also enter the customer number. This inquiry screen was also designed to track the progress on LOT billings. When doing this, you would only enter the order root.